Sunday, September 19, 2010

Margaret Isabelle Richards 1939

The above pictures are of my Great Grandmother, Margaret Isabelle Richards. The picture with the birthday cake was taken in 1939. During this time she would have been living in either Salem or Portland, Oregon. My knowledge of when she moved to Portland is not good.
I do know that my mother talks fondly of the time when she was a girl and the family came from Union to Portland for the P.I.. It was such a busy time, and yet her grandmother took time to teach my Mom to make Deviled Eggs!!
Just a thought - my mom always referred to her grandmothers as Grandmother. Either Grandmother Richards or Grandmother Sanderson. And, she always referred to her Mother as "Mother".
Interesting that I grew up calling my grandmothers "Grandma Maysel and Grandma Ruth" and my mother a variety of things - mom, momma, mommy but never ever Mother.
My mom and her sister always and always called their Father "Dad". But her Grandfathers were "Grandfather Richards" and "Grandfather Sanderson".

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