Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Lamb Cake

It was the 2002 Easter Sunday. During those years I traditionally made an Easter Lamb Cake - pound cake in a lamb mold. Frosted and the decorated with a licorice jelly bean eye and a pink jelly bean nose.

We had guests for dinner. They brought an amazing cheese cake. My Easter Lamb, uneaten, was covered and put into the refrigerator.

The next morning my oldest daughter called and I settled in to have a wonderful visit - to hear about all that she and her family were doing and what they had done for Easter.

As we talked I kept thinking about that lamb cake and thought that maybe I should just have a bite of the tail. YUM!! And cream cheese frosting!! YUM YUM!!

As we talked I slowly ate my way (a piece at a time of course) up the cake.

By the time we concluded our conversation only the head was left.

It was then that I remembered the words of my Weight Watcher Leader - she said - Eat with Dignity!

And so - I put the head on a plate - poured a big glass of milk - sat down at the table and finished off the Lamb Cake.


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